New residential area at Skejbyvej, Aarhus

TITLE: New residential area at Skejbyvej, Aarhus
TYPE OF JOB: Workshop, process facilitation, and project development 
COSTUMER: A. Enggaard A/S
SUBJECTS: Plan processes, municipalities, district plans, evaluation, toolbox, strategic urban planning, urban development


These days, a lot of housing is being built in Aarhus. The latest housing prognosis from The Municipality of Aarhus shows a mean increase of 2650 new habitations a year until 2029. As an investor, this emphasizes the importance of building attractive residential areas which differ from earlier ones by offering high quality, a strong and positive identity, mixed functions, and outdoor spaces that are being used and experienced as safe and good surroundings for communities.  

In collaboration with Hommelhoff, A. Enggaard A/S develops a new residential area in Skejby in Aarhus. Previously, the area has been occupied by VIA University College. The two investors are using a shared design manual for the area and are working together to improve the common area. Their overall concept entails a green path all way through the area which will be a local solution to rainfall (LAR-løsning), and at the same time a recreational outdoor space. 


Using the question ’How can the new residential area at Skejbyvej become a success for the city, for the residents, and for the investors?’, Hauxner plans and facilitates an interdisciplinary workshop where participants with different competences can contribute to a qualification of the existing master plan of the area. The goal is to inspire and qualify the current project development.